Tuesday 26 October 2010

Wk 1 Day 2: Some initial ideas

Just some ideas:

A fighting/ chase game played on all four sides of the ipod. Using the accelerometer, the player tilts and flicks their player over to other sides of the screen (ie: ceiling, left, right, floor) and fights off waves of enemies (using the touch screen (and maybe mic?).

A racing game played again using the accelerometer to tilt the player around the map. Best way to describe it would be this >
Very rough sketch of general layout of game

-A game using a darwin style theory (ie start as a single cell organism, progress, etc) (problems being too much like 'Spore')

-Assasination style game using tilting and flicking of the ipod to progress through areas (slightly raised view)

-2D side scroller using touch screen features to fight waves of enemies (like The World ends with you - possible characters:

''Sarcasm man ''- Uses sarcasm and witty comments to generate random attacks (from a large hammer of irony to the ''backfire')

''The love train'' - guy calls upon girls to stampeed over enemies, calls fan girl (use mic to generate attack), heals by calling upon a holy pizza to decend)

Vegetarian Ninja - Uses a katana of celery to slice and dice opponents (optional card and RPG reference attacks?)

Skater - Uses Skateboard to do damage and Music to slow or obliterate enemies

Tech Girl - Uses ''AppAttack'' to do damage to opponents (touch screen and other features to generate attacks) - needs to ''recharge'' occasionally

(Other possible ideas)
-Camera to Card game (take pictures and they become cards you fight people with)

-Picture Points (heavily referencing Dead Rising - players gain points for each person in a pic (goes on 'Leader Board' ) Special points for certain things?

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